Strawflower Planting and Care Guide

Strawflower Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Strawflower

Strawflower is a terrific drought tolerant annual, and it does well in hot, arid climates. Helichrysum produces lovely flowers from late spring until fall frosts. As an added bonus, the flowers can be cut and dried and made into dried floral arrangements. Common names include: Strawflower, Paper Daisy, and Everlasting Daisy. These annuals also attract pollinators to the garden.

Planting Time

For areas with long summers, Strawflower seed can be directly sown in the garden in the spring once frost danger has passed and temperatures are consistently warm. Or, start the seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks prior to the end of frost season for transplanting outside.

Planting Location

Strawflowers thrive in full sun and will tolerate some shade. The soil does not need to be rich, but it does need to drain well.

How to Plant Strawflower

  • Use starter trays filled with moistened soil
  • Press the seeds into the soil but do not cover - light is needed for germination
  • Keep the tray warm and moist for germination - mist from the top daily
  • Keep the tray in a sunny window once seedlings emerge
  • Pinch the seedlings to promote more branching and to produce a bushier growth habit
  • Once frost danger has passed, harden off the seedlings 7 - 10 days prior to transplanting outside
  • Or, for outside sowing, weed and work the soil several inches in depth
  • Add compost to improve soil
  • Smooth the soil down and sow the Strawflower seeds
  • Do not cover the seeds
  • Keep the area moist for germination
  • Thin to the strongest plant about 18 inches apart

Care And Maintenance

  • Irrigate regularly to establish the Strawflower plants and during prolonged dry periods
  • For the best yields of blooms, keep the plants deadheaded or harvested
  • For harvesting, cut when 2 - 3 layers of petal have opened but the center has not been revealed
  • Successive plantings can be helpful if production is the goal
  • Give the plants a general-allpurpose fertilizer 1 - 2 times during the season to maximize the plant growth